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Staffetta Femminista – Feminist Relay Italy – Afghanistan

4 Luglio 2024

In over twenty years of work between Italy and Afghanistan, CISDA has woven a precious network of relationships to support local activists and their projects to help women fleeing patriarchal violence and religious fundamentalism.

Volunteers, workers involved in the fight against violence against women and in supporting migrant women in Italy, human rights activists, have decided to support this commitment by launching the Staffetta Femminista Italia – Afghanistan initiative.

What is Staffetta Femminista

7,000 kilometers and many deadly traps in border crossings separate Italy from Afghanistan: alongside the action that CISDA has been carrying out for years, Staffetta Femminista ideally travels them to combat stereotypes and the sexist and patriarchal subculture in its transnational dimension.

Human rights activists, volunteers and workers involved in the fight against gender violence and in supporting migrant women, come together in groups open to the contribution of anyone who identifies with the common objectives.

Passing the baton, from stage to stage, we build a bridge of bodies, knowledge and practices, to join the Afghan activists of secular and progressive organizations who fight in very serious difficulties against war, fundamentalism and violence. Together, to break down all the borders created by what deprives women of the right to life and freedom, and testify that another world is possible.

Staffetta Femminista Italia – Afghanistan joins the Vite Preziose project to support Afghan women subject to violent situations. These women still receive help from Cisda’s partner organizations today in order to realize their life plans and escape slavery.

For more information on Staffetta Femminista write to